Friday, 22 February 2013


Kasese district is moving a step side towards solving several health problems after securing two more ambulances to handle emergency cases.
The two ambulances donated by the Belgium Technical Corporation through the ministry of health have on Thursday been delivered to the district headquarters.
Another pick-up car to be used by the District Health Officer to monitor health services has also been donated by the ministry.
The district chairman Lt. Col. Mawa Muhindo who received the ambulances from the minister of health Dr. Christine Ondoa in Fort Portal town.
Ondoa urged the district leadership to ensure proper usage and maintenance of the ambulances to make sure emergency cases are taken to hospitals in time.
Addressing journalists shortly after receiving the ambulances, Lt. Co. Mawa said that the vehicles are going to strengthen the NRM government’s interventions in health services.
He said the two ambulances have been allocated to Bwera and Kilembe Hospitals respectively.
The new brand landcruiser vehicles bring the number of ambulances in the district to three following the first one donated by Save the Children in December last year.
It already being used in the Busongora North health sub-district based at Rwesande Health Center IV in Kyabarungira sub-county.
The district chairman said that the local government and the benefiting hospital administrations will be fueling the ambulances in their areas of jurisdiction and then the users can contribute in case of any referral.
Some of the emergencies that have been in dire need of ambulances in the district are transporting of women in labour, road accidents, cholera cases and other emergencies.
The ambulance for Bwera Hospital will be handed to the facility on Friday and that of Kilembe on Monday next week. END.

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